DATE June 5, 2023
of LTUSD May 23, 2023, Community Conversation
On Tuesday, May 23, 2023, Lake Tahoe Unified
School District (LTUSD) held the first of three Community Conversations.
Attendees engaged in dialogue that focused on enrichment and remediation
programs in LTUSD schools. Following the tabletop conversations, a panel of
community experts provided additional information about enrichment and
remediation programs. Panelists included: Peggy Blowney, Executive Director -
Tahoe Arts Project (TAP); Matt Smith, Director Mental Health and Wellness
– EDCOE; Beth Shepherd, Director of Special Services – LTUSD; Karen Goldberg,
English Learner Services Coordinator – LTUSD; Alissa Zertuche, Career Technical
Education (CTE) Specialist – LTUSD; Michelle McLean, CTE Specialist – LTUSD.
reminisced about the positive experiences they had during their K-12 education,
and many noted that having hands-on experience and exploring their passion has
stayed with them throughout their lives. Included in those memories were
educational opportunities related to arts and music. The general consensus was
that hands-on experience and exposure to the arts and music improves student
success. Matt Smith noted that enrichment activities are a key to wellness.
When students participate in the arts, their mental health improves which leads
to better outcomes including increased attendance. Peggy Blowney pointed out
that numerous studies support the fact that exposure to performing and visual
arts help children become better students.
shared enrichment and remediation programs they are excited about. Please see
list below:
● Learning Spanish at Bijou
● Two day camping trip
● Support or the Special Needs Community -
especially from Beth Shepherd and Darrel Miller
● Great communication - it just might not be
● Dual enrollment with LTCC at STHS and Mt. Tallac
● Great caring teachers
● Music is being taught in all elementary schools
● Ski week
● Paradise park trips
● Going on a boat on the lake
● Elementary schools are utilizing the gardens
● Excitement about CTE - the program really finds
ways for students to find pathways to meaningful careers
● The new forestry and natural resources pathways
and tiny homes
● Robotics
Below is a list of programs that attendees would
like to see implemented or enhanced:
● Class sizes are too large
● Better connection with the Hispanic community
● More early intervention
● More individual connection with families and
● Engage parents and community members
● Students in elementary schools should have
classes with a musical instrument
● More variety in foreign language classes
● Bring back swimming
● Intramural sports
● Less testing - measure the happiness factor
● Meet students where they are
● More hands-on instruction
● Gardening
● Spend more time writing - better utilization of volunteers
● Modernize libraries
● Bring back middle school theater opportunities
● More STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and
● Longer recess for elementary students
● Ask students what they want
● Implement happiness gauge at the beginning of
each day
Highlights from the panel discussion below:
Goldberg explained that the partnership between the Family Resource Center
(FRC) and LTUSD is a component of realizing the LTUSD Vision. Ms. Goldberg also
pointed out that systems implemented to support English Learners and increased
access to translation services are showing a significant increase in student
Ms. Blowney explained that TAP just finished 36
years of bringing performing arts programming to the schools and that they
select programs from different genres so students are exposed to different
types of performances. Ms. Blowney noted that the majority of children in Tahoe
would never see a live performance if it wasn’t for TAP.
Ms. McLean and Ms. Zertuche provided information
on the CTE pathways program and the expansion to the elementary schools. The
program provides real life experiences so students can explore what they might
like to do in their careers. Ms. McLean and Ms. Zertuche put the exploration
into context by exposing students to different types of careers with the idea
that LTUSD students can find their joy and passion and pursue it in their
Cutler reiterated the District’s Vision: “to discover and foster the unique
talents of all students.” He noted that everything discussed during the
Community Conversation helps the District realize its Vision. Dr. Cutler
acknowledged the importance of meeting students where they are to provide
opportunities for students to learn about their unique talents is critical to
everyone's success. The Superintendent recognized that the staff at the
District cannot achieve this alone and that he is committed to finding creative
ways to engage the LTUSD community. He expressed a sincere desire for parents,
students, and community members to provide input and pointed out the various
ways people can participate and make a difference.
The next Community Conversation will be held in
early September and will focus on attendance and nutrition. The second annual
State of the District is scheduled for March 20, 2024.