Dear LTUSD friends and families:
Local school districts contribute to the future success of thriving communities. Talented teachers and staff members who are committed to the mission, values, and work of educating children are the backbone of that success. At Lake Tahoe Unified School District (LTUSD), we are blessed with dedicated and creative staff members who specialize in individualizing education for students. As a staff, we are also committed to staying focused on always doing what is right for the entire student population. We discover each student's talent and potential and foster these talents as our students navigate their educational career and work towards graduation and a happy, healthy future.
To honor these commitments, we have identified four focus areas of focus for our District.
● We want to develop an inclusive school environment that not only respects diversity but truly embraces and celebrates the individuality of each student.
● We intend to increase student achievement by focusing on each student's academic and social/emotional needs, goals, dreams, and growth targets.
● We aspire to strengthen our culture of collaboration with all stakeholders.
● We are excited to empower parents to serve as partners in the educational process.
Please know that as Superintendent of the LTUSD, I am committed to helping the LTUSD be the very best it can be for our students, parents, staff, and community!
Looking forward to Winter!
Todd Cutler Ed.D.