LTUSD is proud to offer a TK-12 Two-Way Bilingual Immersion Program. At its core, TWBI is a program designed to support English learners by building on first language literacy skills as well as providing an inclusive, multilingual, and multicultural learning environment. Link to the Tahoe Two Way Immersion website for detailed information about the TWBI program.
The State Board of Education approved California English Learner Roadmap policy identifies high-quality multilingual programs, such as Two-Way Bilingual Immersion, as the most equitable and effective approach to educating English learners. Additionally, with the state superintendent initiative, Global California 2030, California has set a goal for half of all state students to participate in multilingual programs by 2030.
Program Goals:
Full proficiency in two languages (reading, writing, speaking and listening)
High levels of achievement in all core academic domains
Positive cross-cultural attitudes and behaviors
Equal access to/benefit from bilingual education and general education
Program Model:
Elementary TWBI students will attend Bijou Community School as part of a TK-5 or K-5 commitment to the program. the TWBI program at Bijou follows the 90%-10% model, in which instruction takes place 90% in Spanish in TK, K and 1st grade, 80% in Spanish in 2nd grade, 70% in Spanish in 3rd grade, 60% in Spanish in 4th grade, and culminates in 5th grade with instruction 50% in Spanish and 50% in English.
New for the 2022-2023 school year is TWBI transitional kindergarten. LTUSD was granted a Dual Language Immersion program grant by the California Department of Education to support the implementation of TWBI Transitional kindergarten.
Middle School TWBI students will take their social studies courses 100% in Spanish during all three years, and also take courses in Spanish language arts during all three years at South Tahoe Middle School.
High School TWBI students will take 2 courses in Spanish every year, including World History and World Geography in Spanish, Spanish for Spanish Speakers 2 and 3, Advanced Placement Spanish Language and Culture, Advanced Placement Spanish Literature and Culture, Spanish V Cinema, and El Mundo Hispano.
For more information about Two-Way Bilingual Immersion, please contact:
Bijou Community School at (530) 543-2337, attention Principal R. DePierri
South Tahoe Middle School at (530) 541-6404, attention Principal C. Martinez
South Tahoe High School at (530) 541-4111, attention Dept. Lead M. Martin
English Learner Services at (530) 541-2850, ext. 1055, attention K. Goldberg