Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees are typically held on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the Education Center Board Room, 1021 AI Tahoe Boulevard, except as noted below. Some diversions from this schedule are necessary to accommodate school functions. The Open Session generally commences at 6:00 PM. The Closed Session, which is not open to the public, generally commences at 5:00 PM. The Board may schedule a Special Meeting as necessary to hold study sessions or to discuss issues related to budget or other urgent matters.
When a staff member or member of the public presents to the Board of Education, please keep in mind that this is a "meeting of the Board in public" and not a "public meeting." Therefore, all comments and discussion need to be directed to the Board members. Please see the agenda for procedures for public comments.
Requests for audio/visual equipment or other presentation needs should be addressed to the Executive Assistant to the Superintendent at 530.541-2850 Ext. 1025.
To view Board Meetings in progress on YouTube, please use this link.
Recordings of meetings are viewable for 120 days on the district's YouTube Channel under the "Videos"
2025 Schedule of Meetings
