State of the District/LCAP


The second annual LCAP State of the District - Community Conversation was held on March 20, 2024, in the South Tahoe High School Student Union. 0ver 100 community members, parents, staff, students and education partners attended. During the evening, Superintendent Dr. Cutler and staff presented the State of the District, then Dr. Alan Reeder led interactive tabletop conversations which were followed by a panel discussion.

The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) is the plan on how LTUSD will improve as a school district. Input from the State of the District and Community Conversations will be considered when making updates to the plan.

Below are the links to the presentation for the 2024 State of the District/LCAP.

LTUSD State of the District LCAP 2024 Presentation

LTUSD State of the District LCAP 2024 Presentation Spanish 

Below are the links to the responses from the tabletop conversations. Please select the green box in the upper left for translations of these documents.

LCAP Goal 1: Student Achievement

What helps to increase student learning? What disrupts student learning?

The Spanish version will be available by April 1, 2024.

LCAP Goal 3: Inclusive, connected climate and culture

What works well to build an inclusive, connected climate and culture for students and parents?

What disrupts building an inclusive, connected climate and culture for students and parents?

The Spanish version will be available by April 1, 2024.

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