School Safety - Resources and Reporting

Lake Tahoe Unified School District (LTUSD)  is committed to creating safe learning environments and raising awareness about safety across the district.  Here are some of the roles and expectations for adults and students during urgent situations.

Key points:

* Visitor Registry: All visitors have to register with the front office of the site before having access to the buildings.
School Resource Officer (SRO): Our district works collaboratively with the SLTPD. They are an invaluable resource to students and staff in our district.

Drills: We drill at all of our sites to ensure our students and staff are prepared for a quick response in the event of an emergency.  Our drill schedule for our sites fulfills the California Education Code requirements.
Emergency Preparedness Plan: Created in conjunction with our local authorities, this plan encompasses many issues designed to prepare the district for a multiplicity of emergency events. The District Safety Committee teams discuss these issues throughout the year in order to respond in a timely and accurate manner should the need arise. 


In the event of an emergency, parents are notified by our District Communications System. Consult reliable sources for information during and following a crisis, including emergency messaging from the schools.

In the event of an emergency incident during the school day, Lake Tahoe Unified School District has a specific plan in place to keep students, teachers and other school personnel safe.

The safety of our students, faculty and staff is our first priority. While we always hope that these incidents never occur, we still must be prepared.  Our school practices for these events annually with the entire school.  We also meet regularly with law enforcement to update and collaborate on our emergency plans. 

If an incident occurs, school officials will be in constant communication with emergency personnel at the scene. From that point, emergency personnel and school officials determine the appropriate course of action for the school.  Below, we review what happens in the event of a lock down or evacuation and what the parent/guardian’s role is in these emergencies. 

Before an emergency:  Make sure your emergency contact numbers are updated and on file in the school office.
During an emergency: Do your best to remain calm. Your example will cue others to respond similarly.
Don’t perpetuate rumors: This includes use of calls, texts, email and/or social media.
Await Communications: Expect communications from Parent Square. 

Lock Down:

During the lockdown procedure, all students and other school personnel would be moved into the campus buildings. The doors to the buildings would be locked and no one would be allowed to enter or leave.

Although some parents may feel compelled to pick up their students from school at that time, we want to assure them that everything is being done to keep their students safe during the lockdown. Allowing anyone (including parents) to enter or exit the school during this time could expose the students and everyone else inside to a potentially dangerous situation.

School administrators and staff are in charge of school safety. Please allow emergency personnel/staff to safely assess and execute our safety plan.  If all parents come to the school, emergency personnel will be overwhelmed and will not be able to help your students. 

In the event of a lock down, once school officials receive word from emergency personnel that the danger has passed, the lock down would be lifted.

Parent Role in a Lock Down:

In the event of a lock down, parents will be contacted via our Parent Square communication system.  The call will explain the situation to the best of our knowledge.  The call will also ask you to wait for a future call before coming to the school.  You will likely receive periodic updates from us on the situation.  One of the calls would notify you that the event is over.  Then, either school will resume or parents will be directed through the reunification process.



When officials first respond to the scene of a crisis/emergency, another option they might consider is evacuation of the campus. There are two types of evacuations.

1.   We evacuate the students to a safe location on campus

2.   We evacuate the school entirely and walk the students to an off campus location


Parent Role in an Evacuation:

Once an evacuation has been ordered our Parent Square system will call and email you and your students with all of the information that you need to know. 


Shelter in place:

A shelter in place is a precaution that is initiated by school officials, sometimes in conjunction with law enforcement.  In a shelter in place situation, your students are not in any danger.  This type of event means that events are in process that include things like a bear or other dangerous animal is on or near campus, there is a chemical spill in the area, or local law enforcement has identified danger in or around the site.  Although all students are safe,  there is a possibility of moving into a lockdown and this gives the school staff the opportunity to start preparing in case the situation moves in the direction of the school.  If the situation were close enough to the school to represent a danger to staff and students, the school would initiate a lockdown. 

Parent Role in a Shelter in Place:

Parents have no role to play in a shelter in place.  Parents should continue with their normal routine.   If the shelter in place were to turn into a lock down you will be notified of the change by the Parent Square phone and email system.  At that point you would refer to the Parent Role in a Lockdown section.

Suggestions for parents during a time of a crisis or drill: 

* To avoid further confusion and chaos, please do not show up to the school site with the intent of picking up your child, nor enter the campus during a crisis or drill. 

* Keep informed by checking your cell phone for automated updates. 

* Keep phone lines free for purposes of communication and/or notification of a lock down, evacuation, early dismissal or other event.  You will be notified about the appropriate protocol based on the current event.

* Become aware of and monitor your emotional, cognitive, behavioral and physiological reactions.  Consider the effect the event is having on you. * Acknowledge to yourself that your involvement is creating these reactions.

* If you find yourself reacting physically (rapid heart rate, breathing increase, sweating, etc.) take a slow deep breath and tell yourself to relax—take a second breath and relax.  These are normal reactions to an abnormal situation.  Realize that acute stress may compromise your ability to make good decisions and can therefore place you or someone else in danger.

* Acknowledge and speak to those around you about the impact the event is having on you as a human being.

* Stay connected to family and friends for support.

* Make an effort to maintain a normal routine while waiting for a crisis to be resolved, i.e., chores, meal preparation.

* Do not speculate and give false information about what has taken place.

* Take notes with time and dates; list questions you may have; record your thoughts as an event unfolds, in helping to assimilate the experience.

* Share these suggestions and strategies with Pat Harnett and the Principal of the school your student(s) attend.  

* Prior to any crisis, discuss family protocol for rendezvous in the event of an emergency.  Develop a list of emergency contact numbers or responses.  This may foster a sense of empowerment.


Our students are our most valuable asset.  Parents have entrusted us with the safety of their students. These safety procedures are part of that commitment.  In an effort to provide an environment that is safe and conducive to education, schools in conjunction with law enforcement officials routinely assess and refine our response plans.  Thank you for your cooperation.   

Preparing for Emergencies


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