LTUSD - State of the District/LCAP and Community Conversation Feedback
(Numbers next to list items indicate multiple similar responses.)
Creating a Warm, Welcoming, Caring Environment for Students, Parents, and Staff
Creating a warm welcoming, caring, environment for students, parents, and staff - 10
Build good relationships with family, student and teachers - 4
Personnel talking to parents in generalized understandable manner
If students have any problems, we make sure someone sits down, listens, and tries to help them
Principal works hard to listen to parents - 2
Support for students
Focus on healthy classroom learning environment
Kindness week at Meyers School
Coordinating with Local Organizations to Share Resources
(examples: internships and scholarships)
especially Boys & Girls Club
ELD P.D. - 2
English as a Second Language (ESL)
Family engagement for Spanish-speaking families
I very much like the support for the bilingual immersion program
There is more communication in Spanish now
The Distinct is interested in helping our (Spanish speaking) children
Bilingual program
Spanish not just at Bijou
Extensive Student Behavior Services
Extensive student behavior services - 5
Wellness room at Bijou Elementary School
Student support systems
Wellness centers - 8
Creating Wellness as a focus at elementary level
Dedicated Staff, Coaches, and Support Staff - 2
Highly-qualified Staff and Great, Dedicated Teachers
High qualified staff, great teachers, dedicated - 7
Teacher professional development opportunities - 4
English Language Development (ELD) program
Encouraging students to do their best
Meeting students’ academic, social, and basic needs
Teachers support one another
Attendance coaching by teachers and staff - Sierra House and Mt.Tallac
Recruit new staff
Increasing Community Interaction
Increasing communication - 7
Newsletter at the site and District level - 4
Communication from the district office - 3
Text, phone, email and Facebook blasts - 2
Communication on snow days - 3
Working harder to communicate with all educational partners in the community
Responding to rumors
Involving parents and their children in more activities and events
Parents square website
City, County, and District collaboration
Sharing interest
Enhancing the diversity of opportunities for kids
Communication about sports and education
Engagement and learning
Sierra House - Math Focus
Math night at Sierra House
Math engagement at elementary levels
Open and Available for Discussion
Educational topics
Committed to continuous Improvement
Recognizing need for improvement and taking action
Asking for feedback - 3
Providing opportunities for conversations
Meetings like this
Collaboration and teamwork - 2
Progressive, unique
Allow for positive change at each site
Embracing change
Trying to improve climate through ideas (Flex, Advisory, Wellness Center)
Being transparent
Making adjustments
Solving problems
Community forums - engagement and partnerships
Methods to unite - Team meetings
Handling the fire storms that have come up
Prompt timely meetings
I like this type of meeting
Course Options
Provides variety of unique courses - 3
Activities for students - 2
Snowshoe Club
My child likes to come to school - 3
Opportunity to learn a new language
Getting clubs back at Bijou
Bringing ski/Snowshoe to Elementary - 2
Band performance at Elementary from STMS
Music at all schools - 3
Bringing back the Arts - 5
Sports - 6
TAP assemblies - 2
Buddy program
Dedication to Outdoor Learning Gardens, etc
Emphasis K-5
Alternative Ed programs
Kid’s education of nature of Tahoe
Nutrition/ garden education programs
Counselor - Mrs. T
After school boys and girls club for all students - 2
Common language with single Focus
All School assemblies
Multiple Pathways to success
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
Special needs
Teacher understanding of developmental disabilities
Integration with special needs kids
Accommodation at various sites
Special needs kids are supported lots of options for them
IEP support resource specialist Bijou
Block schedule
High School administration is directing attention to issues
College and Career counselors - BRAVO
Davenport Wallace Phil Bryant, Sunzeri, Elliott
Electives: CTE, field trips, sports medicine, dental, cooking, mechanics, theater,
strength and conditioning, AP English Lit,
Focusing on increasing achievement - all kids can learn
ILA - good
Single Focus - 2
Plans driving result - improvement
TW one program - essential to life skills
IE - LVF, TYFS - partnerships for more overall wellness
Strong intentions for equity
Opportunities to volunteer - 2
Vertical alignment of TWB1, TK-12 -2
Tahoe Valley - SEL
Talented leadership team in place
Looking at data to create solutions - 2
Synergy between elementary schools
Satchel Pulse