Acknowledge new/modern early childhood development discoveries and implement
Adaptability to changing environment
After school programs for students
Arts - 5
Strengthen opportunities
Outdoor painting lessons
Attendance - 3
Change mindset around attendance
How to increase attendance on snow days etc.
Hybrid teaching modes to accommodate education when students are out
Band/orchestra bring back to the elementary schools
Care of the children
Civility, Kindness, Respectful culture at LTUSD
Collaboration with parents to meet school/student needs to help create more of united, thriving confident youth (our future) - 2
Community engagement - 3
Community needs and needs of Latino students
Computer/access to internet/distractions
Equitable rigorous education opportunities
English Learners and what new support they need - 8
Equity, Inclusion and Diversity - 6
Free choice/longer breaks for children - 2
How is accountability working? Check/Act
How to go above state results
Is there opportunity for parent tutoring to address the low reading and math scores?
Latino/socio-economic performance gaps - 2
LCAP and surveys
Meeting kids where they are at in order to meet their needs so they can learn - 5
Input from children on what they need in the classroom
Foster student engagement
Student connections increase self-confidence
Mental Health and Wellness - 3
Mt. Tallac not included in the intro to the meeting - part of LTUSD?
Nutrition improvement for elementary and STMS - 2
Nutrition Ed. throughout TK-12th grade - UCCE can offer students - 2
Parent involvement - improve it
Required weekly check-ins for educators with students - this will give students the opportunity to build relationships with their teachers and give students the chance to be known in hopes that the teacher has a better understanding of how to best support the student and in what areas. These meetings could be a positive talk about behaviors or academics.
School building replacement - sell it to the community - 2
S.E.L.- 3
Share data on what we have learned to improve where we are as a District
Site specific needs - 3
Social Services
Solutions that don’t get in the way of student success
Special Education - 2
ADA- Accessibility
Give every child an IEP
Graduation rates struggling
Bathroom security
STMS - improve the learning environment
Staff - 5
Supporting the needs of a diverse student body from the English language
Time change working with student and start times
Training for new parents to schools on important issues pertaining to students - 2
Transparency within the District