Parent Notification

Multilingual Learner Equity ensures compliance with state and federal regulations, as well as best practices in the notification of parents regarding their children’s language fluency and academic progress. 

Initial Parent Letter

For all students enrolled for the first time in a California school, parent or guardian response on the Home Language Survey will determine whether a student will be assessed for English language services. If a language other than English is indicated on the Home Language Survey, a parent or guardian will be notified of the school’s intent to test the child within the first 30 days following enrollment. A parent or guardian will then be notified of assessment results, with students being designated as either an English Learner (EL) or Initial Fluent English Proficient (IFEP).

Annual Notification Parent Letter

The parent or guardian of students who have been identified as English Learners will receive annual notification of the student's most current English assessment results and the program options for the district, along with other relevant information.

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