Community Advisory Committee and Parent Engagement1
Providing a high-quality special education experience for each child involves a team effort, and parent participation is central to meeting student needs and IEP goals. Collaboration with parents through SELPA is facilitated through the Community Advisory Committee (CAC). These CACs are a vital component of effective special education programs in California. They are commissioned by law and are a reflection of the communities they serve. CACs are composed of parents, educators, pupils and adults with disabilities, representatives of public and private agencies, and persons concerned with the needs of individuals with disabilities. They are appointed by their governing boards in accordance with locally determined selection procedures described in the SELPA Local Plan.
Community Advisory Committees have specific and important roles and responsibilities which are reviewed in detail in the California SELPA Community Advisory Committee Guide, 5th Edition, 2022. Every Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) is required to establish a CAC. Across California, many CACs are vibrant, creative bodies that assist in advising local governing boards about the Local Plan, annual priorities, parent education, and other specified Special Education related activities.
CACs are designed to be a dynamic collaborative partnership of educators, parents, and community members. The active participation of the membership of each CAC meets the mandate of informed parent-community involvement between those who provide Special Education programs and services and those who receive Special Education programs and services.
1 SELPA Administrators of California,