Reclassification as Fluent English Proficient

What Is Reclassification?

Reclassification is the process through which English Learners are formally Reclassified as Fluent English Proficient (RFEP), having demonstrated English fluency sufficient for success in core classes without additional support. This process will include English Language assessment with the ELPAC exam, English Language Arts (ELA) class grade of C / 3 or better, ELA teacher recommendation, and parent input.

LTUSD K-12 Reclassification Record

Access LTUSD K-12 Reclassification Record form used by LTUSD staff to document student reclassification.

Monitoring Student Progress After Reclassification
After a student has been reclassified as fluent in English, the school will continue to monitor their academic progress for four years to be certain the student is successful and does not require additional support.
See complete district Reclassification guidelines
here. Access a Reclassification Quick Reference flyer here.

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