What is a SELPA?
In 1977, all school districts and county school offices were mandated to form consortiums in geographical regions of sufficient size and scope to provide for all special education service needs of children residing within the region boundaries. Each region's Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) developed a local plan describing how it would provide special education services.
SELPAs are dedicated to the belief that all students can learn and that special needs students must be guaranteed equal opportunity to become contributing members of society. SELPAs facilitate high quality educational programs and services for special needs students and training for parents and educators. The SELPA collaborates with county agencies and school districts to develop and maintain healthy and enriching environments in which special needs students and can live and succeed.
For a detailed overview of California Special Education Local Plan Areas, you may visit the California Department of Education website.
SELPA Functions
Per California Education Code §§ 56195-56208, the statutory responsibilities of Tahoe-Alpine SELPA are as follows:
- Plan for and implement a coordinated system of identification, referral, and placement of students with special needs;
- Plan and implement an annual budget that includes a description of how funds are distributed to Lake Tahoe Unified School District, Alpine County Unified School District, and Alpine County Office of Education;
- Devise an annual services plan outlining the services each district will provide;
- Construct plans for providing services to students across a continuum of environments with a variety of needs;
- Design and implement a process for protecting student and parental rights;
- Coordinate with other public agencies that serve people with special needs; and,
- Submit special education program data required by state and federal law.
Tahoe-Alpine SELPA includes members from the following educational institutions:
Lake Tahoe Unified School District 
Alpine County Office of Education 
Alpine County Unified School District